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Skunk Radio Live Profile: Ariel.Lavi - Soundtrack Music Composer - California, Usa | SRL Networks London Music PR


Discover Soundtrack music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore California's independent/emerging music scene with Ariel.Lavi

Soundtrack Music Music Composer
California, USA


Ariel.Lavi is a 26 year old music composer and recording artist based in the Los Angeles area of California, USA.

He is a fully trained musician, and has played various instruments since the age of 10. He studied audio engineering at college in order to pursue a career in record production and music composition.

Ariel.Lavi currently composes original material for the entertainment industry, including (but not limited to) film, television and video games.





SRL is the global leader in independent (indie) entertainment. Find all the latest Ariel.Lavi news, reviews, concert dates and more with our vast array of online resources featuring the world's best self-managed entertainers.

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