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Skunk Radio Live Profile: Nicole Jukic - R&B Artist - Kassel, Germany | SRL Networks London Music PR


Discover R&B music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore Kassel's independent/emerging music scene with Nicole Jukic

Nicole Jukic
R&B Music Artist
Kassel, Germany


The music career of Singer Songwriter, Nicole Jukic started very early. As a four-year-old, she started singing with her family on stage and went on tour throughout Germany amongst other things for humanitarian purposes (such as the Balkan Wars).

From 2005 onwards, Nicole Jukic studied German and music at the University of Kassel, where she graduated in 2010 and became a school teacher.

In February 2008, Nicole was voted “the most popular Croatian singer living outside Croatia” by the Croatian newspaper "Vecernji List". Together with the Croatian band “Crounitas” she made her first video clip for Croatian TV.

In 2010, the 26 year old singer was awarded the “Kasseler Kunstpreis 2010” (art award of the city of Kassel 2010) in the music category.

In June 2011 Nicole Jukic took part in the Singer Songwriter Contest “Troubadour” in Berlin and won second place.

And in 2011 her first album “Free” was named “Best English Album 2011” by the German Rock and Pop foundation.

Since 2005 Nicole has been studying singing with Aixa Rodriguez Vosberg and taking part in Master Classes by Noelle Turner, Pamela Falcon and others.





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