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Music reviews - song/album/mixtape reviews, free streaming & downloads | January, 2017

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YouTube music discovery, Soundcloud links, iTunes downloads, Spotify streaming, song, album and mixtape reviews and new music videos are only ever a click away with the new Indie Music Review Board. Check it out at
Reviews of the hottest new records, music videos, and gigs by the best indie artists/bands on the planet. Stream free and get links to iTunes downloads, Spotify songs/playlists and free music downloads.

25-01-2017 16:46 GMT

SRL Music Review - Pop Rock Music - Discover singer songwriter, Jim Gaven's latest release, listen free and download mp3, wav, flacc on Bandcamp

Jim Gaven
"January Fever" 
Pop Rock

A motivational song to help you snap of the January blues and make this year count.

So you spent ALL your money at Christmas. Bought too many gifts, spoiled yourself with surprise ones even. You burnt yourself out partying, drank too much, ate too much, slept too much, maybe even kissed a few party animals in the heat of the moments, passed out in a few awkward positions, maybe you even drove (Gasp! Say what?). But on top of all that your workout regiment, work ethic, strict sleep schedule, good eating habbits and discipline all went out of the window. The last thing you remember of the last few focused moments of the previous year was turning on your vacation reply - typing OOO, with a couple of solid apostrophes at the end so everyone knew just how amazing you felt to be Out Of the Office, but now you are back to reality and it's time get your life back in order.

Sadly there's no quick fix. You'll have to take it one step at a time just like you probably did the first time. Everything didn't just fall into place, you probably had to work at each aspect individually over time until it was perfect, and that's exactly what you'll probably need to do again except this time while you put the pieces back together you'll remember this song and you'll put things in order with a new conviction in your mind - that

anything can happen this year, 
including getting back to the awesome, amazing, focused self you remember in record time.

Congratulations, you just turned a new leaf in your life. You made it through another year and are off to the most amazing start money can't buy. 

Happy new you! 

Stream/Download January Fever:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Rock Music Promotion Department at

25-01-2017 15:43 GMT

Free streaming, discovery, downloads and videos on SRL Music Reviews - Three Minute Monsters

Three Minute Monsters
"Sunny All Over The World" 

She's the apple of your eye, the sugar in your tea, the butter on your bread, the sweetest taboo, the only one, the light of your life, the reason you get out of bed in the morning with a smile on your face, the reason for that all too familiar spring in your step every now and again, the perfect catch, the icing on your cake, the cream of the crop, your favorite companion and your best friend.

If you ever thought life couldn't possibly feel any more amazing then think again. Now think back to how it was back when you didn't have each other.

You'll need a soundtrack to help you visualize - this is it.

It's bright, summery and fun, exciting, and it'll put a smile on your face everytime.

So sing along, whistle along and let the good times roll.

Stream/Download Sunny All Over The World:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Pop Music Promotion Department at

25-01-2017 12:34 GMT

Discover the best rock band since The Beatles - The Tenants' song, Close At Hand reviewed on SRL Music Reviews - Listen free and download on Bandcamp

The Tenants
"Close At Hand" 

Never forget about the hard times...

With everything going on in the world today, it's easy to get lost in the moment when good things start to happen, or at least when bad things stop happening. It's easy to forget how volatile life could be - one moment one could be riding high and then the next, in the gutter wondering what happened.
Through all the good times, and bad times too if any, what's important is to never let the world get you down.

The Tenants have presented a mildly persimistic yet sensible view of the world in this song to remind us never to take the volatility of life for granted - "You're only one step from heaven, but only two steps from hell", a saying which rings true vice versa as well.
So celebrate big. Rejoice and be glad. Party every night and live life to the full, but always remember to stay focused, keep a watchful eye and an open mind, and put in work like it's the first day, every single day. Never stop dreaming, reaching for the stars, pushing limits and putting your best foot forward...

Or else.

Stream/Download Close At Hand:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Rock Music Promotion Department at

23-01-2017 10:24 GMT

Listen to Italian rock music by english speaking band, Amycanbe - Discover rock music on SRL Music Reviews

"Andy's Shoes" 
Alternative Rock

A treasure map to a happy ending.

An ultra euphoric, dreamy yet real soundscape flooded with mystery, adventure, darkness, light, love, joy and everything in-between; a passive exploration of colorful landscapes painted with sounds of misery and sadness which slowly unravel and blossom into pleasant moments of immense happiness ultimately leading to a soulful relief.

It's therapeutic and awesome.

A skillfully crafted work of art with mindful writing that opens up a window to an exciting, enlightening, almost enchanting journey full of life and positive energy.

The song is the treasure, the map is in your heart, and your happy ending awaits you.

Stream/Download Andy's Shoes:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Alternative Rock Music Promotion Department at

23-01-2017 07:23 GMT

Find out what Mississippi's top underground rapper has got out on iTunes now - Listen free

"Can I Have Your Number" 
Hip Hop

Cool, fun, exciting, allround amazing.

 Coolidge's super cool, super smooth vocal delivery gracefully rides a groovy, colorful, lush party beat. The result - the ultimate Playas' anthem ever, and a party starter like no other.

This is your theme song for when you've found that special lady or gent and are ready to make your move. Keep it smooth, cool, clean, honest, down to earth and straight to the point like Coolidge, and make sure it counts, everytime.

Stream Can I Have Your Number:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Hip Hop Music Promotion Department at

21-01-2017 09:09 GMT
ORIGINAL 24/11/16

Discover Tara's latest release on iTunes - Listen free and download on Reverbnation - Also available on Spotify

Tara Kye
"Beautiful Gangstas" 

 An ominous track with a message.

Take a little bit of Pop, a little bit of Rock and a little Opera, then sprinkle in a little Hip Hop and a hint of Metal, an angelic voice, and a dark, haunting piano melody that speaks volumes to the soul - What you get is Tara's latest single, Beautiful Gangstas.

As the title suggests, the song has a gangster theme. Tara's immaculate voice tells a dramatic crime story with a unfortunate ending. The overall ambience is dark and nightmarish, and will have you on the edge of your seat all the way through.

"Don't get caught in their way, they remember your face"

Stream Beautiful Gangstas:

Download Beautiful Gangstas:

More Tara Kye:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Rock Music Promotion Department at

20-01-2017 00:00 GMT

Listen to this free playlist by SRL's top DJs - Discover new artists and download songs on iTunes

Eclectic Playlist

A therapeutic playlist that'll sooth your soul and drive your troubles away.

... for about thirty seven minutes, and fourty seven seconds.

Throughout the trials and tribulations of daily life; the struggles we all go through that seem to keep recurring or never go away - relationship problems, "lack of relationship" problems, stress at work, stress in school, Donald Trump's tweets so early in the morning, late trains, bad broadband, missed deadlines, hangovers, addictions, thongs popping out of nowhere everytime you turn on the TV, popstars telling you how much money they've got everytime you turn on the radio, haters, death threats, wars, starvation, poverty, hunger, disease, bad pop music and everything in-between - there comes a time when we must take a step back, even if just for a second. It's a time to reflect and breathe; a time to appreciate the present and a time to make peace with self.

Breathe in, breathe out, press play and
let your essence find its center, you.

Stream Painkiller:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Pop Music Promotion Department at

19-01-2017 22:19 GMT

Discover new pop artists/bands daily, listen to songs free and download on iTunes, Google Play Music and Amazon mp3

"Whaiting At Dhe Bhus Sthop" 

A fun pop song that'll take you straight back to your childhood memories and awaken your inner child.

This sweet, colorful song is great for kids and adults alike. It's clean, exciting and friendly but sadly you'll probably never hear anything like this on today's radio playlists (unless you're listening to Skunk Radio Live).

If you ever find yourself in need of a break from heartbreak, heartache, unrequited love, good girl meets bad boy, fantasy love, beach parties, bitch calling, bitch slapping, money talking, booty twerking, weed smoking, molly popping, sexaholic, alcoholic pop, which we all love so much deep down inside, here's

a refreshing track that'll help you make peace with all the madness in the world around you.

Stream/Download on The Skunk Radio Live Record Store:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Pop Music Promotion Department at

18-01-2017 00:18 GMT

Discover new and emerging music acts around the world daily on SRL Music Reviews - Listen free - Download on Bandcamp - available in mp3, wav, flac

"24 Hours" 
Alternative Pop

All your fantasies fulfilled in 3 minutes.

 Feelings like the ones you are about to experience only ever exist in dreams, and those dreams hardly ever come true. But luck is on your side today - If only you could hold on to the ensuing moments of intense passion a little bit longer before your senses burst with excitement.

Take all the sweetest melodies you've ever heard, splash in all the colors of the rainbow, throw in a gentle, inviting, angelic whisper, a peaceful ambiance, a safe place, your fondest memories, a sigh of relief and a desire that runs deep.

If you've already started listening then you're probably already there and it's too late for the warning that follows -

It's a recipe for the quickest, most explosive eargasm ever had.

But don't worry - it happens to the best of us.

Stream/Download 24 Hours:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Alternative Pop Music Promotion Department at

17-01-2017 17:00 GMT

Listen to Debose's new song free - Download the track on Bandcamp and popular music platforms and apps

"Paper Chase" 
Hip Hop

A little something to put that Oomph! back in your speakers again.
If you are a hip hop fan and a go-getter then you probably always have some room in your playlists for a little motivational money making music. But something true and real, no "hip pop" fantasies or any of that rap singing stuff that sounds sweet but leaves your inner winner cringing desperately for something a little more substantial and meaningful.

Paper Chase has everything you need to get the day started just right and get your money making escapades off to a running start. It's complete with a smooth bounce that'll keep you in touch with your cool side at all times, racing hi hats that'll melt your heart and release your passion slowly, thumping speaker-rattling sounds that'll get your mind fully activated (and throwing up gang signs for no reason), and amazing bass just the way Trap lovers love it.

Whether you start your day at night or at four in the morning, or if today is yesterday and there's no tomorrow; whether you wear a suit and tie to work or a hat and tie; or whether you're looking for work -

this is the ultimate money maker's anthem.

Stream/Download Paper Chase:

Also, check out #SkunkRadioLive Money Motivator on Soundcloud:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Hip Hop Music Promotion Department at

14-01-2017 14:17 GMT

Listen to the new song, "Smokin" by reggae singer, Trevor - Download on iTunes - Playlist on Spotify

Trevor Lyon

A reggae song for heart-breakers who still carry a torch.

We've all been there and done it - fell in love, screwed up, fell out of love, stayed strong, stayed strong a little longer, and then realised breaking up was the biggest mistake ever.

Here's a song for that moment you realise you just let the love of your life get away. Take time to reflect on the good times before you go crawling back for forgiveness. Think about the right words to say so you don't blow it again. If you can't come up with anything, Trevor has made it easy with this song,

Just say you must have been smokin'

If she doesn't take you back just listen to this song once again and do whatever you feel makes you feel better, until you feel amazing.

Download on iTunes:

Watch Music Video on YouTube:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Reggae Music Promotion Department at

09-01-2017 16:07 GMT

Listen to "Now You See It" by Honorebel on Soundcloud free - Download on iTunes and Google Play Music

"Now You See It" 
Reggae Pop

Nowadays, it's a little rare to hear such a diverse range of sounds and genres in their intrinsic forms come together so amazingly on one track, so this is definitely one for the books.

An exotic blend of smooth, sexy reggae, sassy pop, clean, fun rap and a groovy dancehall vibe that'll get hips shaking and ladies jumping all around.

An infectious, electrifying, clean club record. 

It's not the first time Honorebel and Pitbull have come together to make magic like this, and it probably won't be the last after the success of this sensational, groundbreaking record that is already spreading rapidly and features Chicago's electronic dance duo, the Jump Smokers.

Download on iTunes:

Watch Music Video on YouTube:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Reggae Music Promotion Department at

01-01-2017 02:07 GMT

Discover indie pop artist, Rikke Normann's new song, "Dig Deep" on SRL - Stream free and download on iTunes

Rikke Normann
"Dig Deep" 
Indie Pop

An album for when simply acoustic and simply electro just won't do.

If you like your pop music with big synthesizers, heavy bass lines, a little bit of soul, a touch of old school, a smidgen of R&B, a classic feel and nothing short of sweet, pure, pop magic; then you are in luck.
Explore the depths of adventurous sounds born out of true passion.

There's a smooth groove in this album for everyone; from ballads and slow dance songs, to urban pop, EDM and everything in-between.

It'll sooth your soul and warm your heart.

Some highlights include Stick Around, Save Me and Cry-Baby.

Discover indie pop artist, Rikke Normann on SRL Music Reviews - Free streaming - iTunes download

Stream Dig Deep for free and download on Soundcloud:

Download Dig Deep on iTunes:

Stream Dig Deep on Spotify:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Indie Pop Music Promotion Department at

19-12-2016 06:06 GMT

Top rock single from LXS's critically acclaimed debut EP, buzzing - Listen free on Bandcamp and download mp3, wav, flac and other high quality formats

Love X Stereo
"Free ***" 
Electro Rock

One of Love X Stereo's first hit singles and without doubt, one of their fans' favorites.

It's no secret that ladies love American boys, but no one really knows why.

Annie, Love X Stereo's sexy, sultry lead singer breaks down her weak moments of longing in a few words. The song is raunchy and slow with a quiet, minimal ambience, and coupled with an innocent, brutally honest vocal delivery and words every guy wants to hear, it almost

instantaneously sets the mood right for those passionately lusty moments at the pinnacle of every adult fantasy.

Stream/Download Free ***:

Watch Free *** on YouTube:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Rock Music Promotion Department at

19-12-2016 00:07 GMT

R&B music review - discover R&B artist, Echris The R&B Hustler's latest release on SRL Music Reviews - Stream free

Echris The R&B Hustler
"Step Your Game Up" 

Set the tone for a night to remember.

A snappy, groovy, sexy club banger that'll get everyone on their feet and in the mood to party all night long. This guaranteed party starter will have the dance floor packed in no time.

The racing adrenal beat complete with pounding drums and lush synths, and Echris' smooth, slick vocal delivery come together well to create that ultimate euphoric ambience that comes with every memorable clubbing experience.

All you'll remember in the morning is hands in the air, drinks flowing and hips popping everywhere.

Stream Step Your Game Up on Soundcloud:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the R&B Music Promotion Department at

16-12-2016 22:22 GMT

Stream free on Soundcloud - hip hop artist, Giftgable's new song reviewed on SRL Music Reviews - Discover real hip hop music from Brooklyn, New York

"Rich Porter, Pt. 2" 
Hip Hop

The rebirth of Brooklyn Hip Hop.

If your Hip Hop collection has been lacking that Oomph!! it used to have even only a while back then this song should set your ears straight and keep your mind at ease, at least till the release of Giftgable's next album due to be released soon.

Consider this the rebirth of Real Hip Hop. That fire, that passion, the hunger, that thumping, hard hitting street sound you can't help but crank up to the max - that sound that'll have your neighbors calling the cops late at night - this is it.

It's raw, authentic, hard core and brutally loud.

CD/mp3 cover artwork design of song by Giftgable

Stream Rich Porter, Pt. 2 on Soundcloud:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Hip Hop Music Promotion Department at

16-12-2016 16:12 GMT

The new song discovered and analysed inside out by SRL's top music reviewers - Listen to the song free on iTunes and downlod on top music platforms and music apps

Tara Kye
"Bitterly Cold" 

A slow, deeply moving song about lost love.
The song to listen to when you reminisce about that ex you still carry a torch for.

Tara's angelic voice soars above a painfully dark backing track, reflecting upon the good times, the bond and the love that existed - the dances, the passionate kisses and times spent together. Wondering what went wrong and how the loved faded away, and looking ahead into a dark future with plans of joining a secret society, the song talks about the loneliness and the pain left behind.

It's dark, deep, sorrowful and operatic.

The perfect song for when you just need a really good cry.

Download Bitterly Cold on iTunes:

Stream Bitterly Cold on Reverbnation:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Rock Music Promotion Department at

15-12-2016 12:33 GMT

Stream "Bandz", the new hip hop track by rapper, Vassae - Discover rap music at its finest - Download on top mixtape sites and mixtape promotion platforms

Hip Hop

Top notch lyricism, exquisite production and an anthemic chorus that'll be ringing in your head for days to come.

Get inside the mind of a passionate hustler and find out just how much money is enough money, and if there's any such thing as too much money.

If you spend 99% of your time reaching for the stars and passionately pursuing your dreams then you'll find this track very informational and relatable. If you don't, then this track will probably get you motivated, pumped up and ready to achieve your full potential.

To some, the sky is the limit, and to others, the limit is the sky.

What's your comfort level?

Stream Bandz on Soundcloud:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Hip Hop Music Promotion Department at

10-12-2016 12:20 GMT

Listen to Maggie's new songs free on iTunes/Apple Music and download mp3 on top music streaming/download platforms like Google Play Music

Maggie Gabbard
"1000 Miles To Go" 
R&B Music

Experience the magic of passion and patience.

Maggie's innocent, enchanting voice is complemented by a blissfully mysterious backing track in this soulful, subtly sensual, mildy inviting love filled song with a groovy vibe that'll ignite your fire and lead you on a passionate road in search of someone warm to grab from behind and sway hips with.

It's mature, classy, uplifting and it'll get you in the mood for sweet, good, passionate loving that may even lead to cuddling.

Don't fight the feeling - let it flow 

Stream 1000 Miles To Go:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the R&B Music Promotion Department at

10-12-2016 11:47 GMT

Listen to King's Speech Freestyle on Soundcloud free - Download on top mixtape promotion websites - Discover Brooklyn's top new hip hop artist on SRL Reviews

"King's Speech Freestyle" 
Hip Hop Music

An organic Hip Hop treat from Brooklyn with love.

If you miss mind-boggling metaphors, witty, insightful, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious rhymes off the top of the head, good girls with bad hair, raw passion, organic beats that speak to the soul, that smile on your face that only comes with figuring out the meaning of a song or a line weeks after listening to it over and over, and a 100% Pop Free Hip Hop Guarantee then this is your man. Kaison is here to restore Hip Hop's lyrical integrity and originality.

"I'll stand behind these bars for a whole life sentence"

Daps and hugs, 
Fly Kaison

Stream King's Speech Freestyle free and download on top music platforms and apps - Kai'Son on SRL Music Reviews

Stream King's Speech:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Hip Hop Music Promotion Department at

10-12-2016 11:23 GMT


Rock band, Vintage Blue's song, "Let Go" reviewed on SRL Music Reviews - Listen free and download on Bandcamp and top digital music distribution platforms

Vintage Blue
"Let Go" 
Rock Music

Just do it!

It's that time once again when you must take a step back from it all. Don't let your dreams overwhelm your imagination and your passion flood your heart. Let it all go and take some time out to feel the love that is all around you. Cherish and appreciate your loved ones. 
Imagine bliss and let your heart exhale with this uplifting love song
Close your eyes and let go,
just breathe and appreciate - let the universe revolve around you and enjoy your presence.

Stream/Download Let Go:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Rock Music Promotion Department at

10-12-2016 10:12 GMT

Metal rock rediscovered, explored and analysed with Kysmet's song, Arrow To The Knee - Stream free

"Arrow To The Knee" 
Rock Music

Unleash your inner beast.

Fear lets you know when it's time to start running. Passionate anger tells you Kysmet is back in town and they're screaming down the walls of another poor unsuspecting live music venue.

When the world lets you down, people drive you crazy and everything around you seems to be falling apart, nothing could be more therapeutic than finding somewhere nice, peaceful, quiet and distant, preferrably on higher grounds where the gods can hear you and just screaming louder than you've ever done before. But don't pull your hair out, that's too crazy.

Unfortunately, if you live in the city you could never drive or take the train far enough away to scream that loud before someone calls the cops to take you to the asylum. That's where these guys come in. Kysmet is licensed to scream and they'll do it all night long as long as the fans keep jumping.

Discover the sounds of Rock 'n' Rock in a whole new light when you listen to Kysmet's single, Arrow To The Knee - Stream free on Soundcloud
Healing in progress

Arrow To The Knee is
a dark, passionate, loud, banging, smashing soundtrack for the tormented mind's pain.

Stream Arrow To The Knee:

Watch Arrow To The Knee on YouTube:

Listen free and download Kysmet's song, Arrow To The Knee - Rediscover rock music on SRL Reviews

Listen free and download on top digital music platforms/apps - Kymet's best song ever, Arrow To The Knee reviewed in depth on SRL Reviews
Later that night

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Rock Music Promotion Department at

10-12-2016 02:02 GMT

Discover the sounds of Brooklyn, New York with Frank Palangi's critically acclaimed rock single, I Am Ready - Rock music reviewed on SRL

Frank Palangi
"I Am Ready" 
Rock Music

Find your inner beast.

The time is finally here. You've been working on that project for long. You put in endless hours every single day. You shed blood, sweat and tears, working yourself to sleep every night. Every last drop of energy, every last minute, you've had dedicated to achieving this one goal. You know it's time, you can feel it, you can almost taste it. Victory is looming, you've created your destiny, now

there's only one question left to ask, and only you know the answer.

Stream/Download I Am Ready:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Rock Music Promotion Department at