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Music reviews - song/album/mixtape reviews, free streaming & downloads | February, 2017

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02-02-2017 10:10 GMT

"Soul Searcher" 
Eclectic Playlist

Just let go.

Building slowly, and gracefully alternating between minimal folk, instrumental music, pop rock and EDM, before finishing up with some motivational hip hop, this exciting playlist is perfect for those special moments when we take a step back and reflect on our lives in a bid to ultimately realise the essence of our inner selves, come to terms with the realities of our lives and ultimately, become better and achieve goals.
Soul Searcher will help you find your center and put you right back on track when you've lost your way. It'll gently sooth your pain and send your troubles far away while you get focused and reconcile the past.
If you are about to embark on a new adventure or you've reached a new peak and are preparing for the new road ahead, Soul Searcher will help you get collected.

It's mild and soulful, it'll ground you then uplift you.

Stream Soul Searcher:

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02-02-2017 09:47 GMT

Review of the critically acclaimed song, Remember by rock band, Vintage Blue on SRL Music Reviews - Rediscover rock music

Vintage Blue

A song to help us reflect on who we are and what we could be,

two separate aspects of every life that are more often than not found bundled together into one big American dream. 

With the world's pace increasing daily, dreams are becoming bigger and bigger. And as the population of dreamers continues to grow even quicker and competition gets tougher and tougher, it's easy to forget the basics of our lives and what makes us different from everyone else.

The past is what makes us who we are, so it's important to always remember it. It guides us on our journey through life and provides facts and figures essential to make what would otherwise be difficult decisions.

Remember is a beautifully crafted, mildly anthemic rock song that creates a peaceful, exciting, empowering, almost supernatural healing experience like no other. It'll help you find your center, and better still help your center find you so you can realise, cherish and embrace what really matters in your life right now.

It's a celebration of years that have gone by and hopes for the years to come.

Stream/Download on Bandcamp:

Stream on Soundcloud:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Rock Music Promotion Department at

01-02-2017 12:34 GMT

Discover the best UK rock band since chart topping multi-award-winning band, The Beatles - SRL Reviews

The Tenants

Live in the moment, cherish every second and don't forget to smell the roses. Don't worry about what you've got or what you've left behind - take a good look around you and embrace the world as it is.

Be one with the present - your future is in the future, your past is in the past and you are here now. Everything is exactly as it is and you've got what it takes to do exactly what you need to do at this stage of your journey.

Your problems are solutions - your shortcomings are what you need to excel at. In the darkest times, you'll need to play your demons close until they burst into flames and become the light that leads you out of darkness. Giving all you've got is all you've got to do and you've got a raging fire burning inside you waiting to be unleashed.

Now you know worth and you've made peace with the present.

You've found your direction, you're a rock star!

And this is your anthem.

Stream/Download Direction:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Rock Music Promotion Department at

01-02-2017 10:24 GMT

Listen free and discover the amazing sounds of Italy's most prolific band, Amycanbe on SRL Reviews

"Your Own Thing" 
Alternative Rock

It's time to get in the groove. 

Don't worry about anything else - kick back, relax and do your own thing. A simple message that could make all the difference when you need to get lost in the moment.
Emerse your senses in a peaceful ambiance and let the energy of the world flow through you. You are the world's oyster, let the universe blossom through your essence and your work will be great.

Be at peace, and just chill. 

Here's a sweet song to help you set the mood.

Stream/Download Your Own Thing:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Alternative Rock Music Promotion Department at

01-02-2017 04:47 GMT

Review of Jim Gaven's inspirational song, Believe - Discover pop rock in a whole new light with this hot new record

Jim Gaven
Pop Rock

Is seeing believing or just how you choose to see things?

Who cares, as long as you believe in something. Here's a song to remind you to just believe - because belief is the focal point where dreams and aspirations meet reality.
Believe and it shall be, doubt and be in doubt. 

Jim Gaven's inspirational, upbeat winners' anthem has a pop edge that'll get you energized, ready to take on the world and reveal everything you are made of. Complete with uplifting piano melodies, racing hi-hats, strong, rugged bass and lyrical motivation that'll get your mind and body up to full throttle and ready to achieve anything, this is one song that should remain at the top of every monday morning playlist and every big dreamer's music collection.

Stream Believe:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Pop Rock Music Promotion Department at

01-02-2017 01:17 GMT
ORIGINAL 24/11/16 

Stream and download the latest song by Tara Kye on iTunes, Spotify and top music platforms and apps

Tara Kye
"Beautiful Gangstas" 

 An ominous track with a message.

Take a little bit of Pop, a little bit of Rock and a little Opera, then sprinkle in a little Hip Hop and a hint of Metal, an angelic voice, and a dark, haunting piano melody that speaks volumes to the soul - What you get is Tara's latest single, Beautiful Gangstas.

As the title suggests, the song has a gangster theme. Tara's immaculate voice tells a dramatic crime story with a unfortunate ending. The overall ambience is dark and nightmarish, and will have you on the edge of your seat all the way through.

"Don't get caught in their way, they remember your face"

Stream Beautiful Gangstas:

Download Beautiful Gangstas:

More Tara Kye:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Rock Music Promotion Department at

31-01-2017 22:00 GMT

Listen free and explore different sounds on SRL Reviews - Electic music playlist by SRL

"The Oracle Consultant" 
Eclectic Playlist

You really shouldn't eat it, but it tastes amazing anyway.

We've all been there. That tasty looking treat lying carelessly on the counter beside an open packet of brownies when no one was looking at launch time. That notorious, infamous treat that single-handedly made everything else taste amazing afterwards, made you happier than you'd ever been your entire life and made the world look like a fantasy playground with pleasure rides and glistening treasures all for the taking.

Measly sorrows and petty problems faded away leaving the outlook so bright. Beautiful, familiar faces passed with greetings and amazing smiles like you'd never seen. You noticed your friends vaguely from afar, all you could make out was what looked like even bigger smiles so you knew they were probably just goofing around again. Your mind rested at ease, if only they knew how amazing you felt - little did you know they did. You got so relaxed. You felt so good you got an urge like you needed to spend the biggest penny in the world - and you did, with outstanding results. You felt ten pounds lighter.

As you headed for the sink proudly to wash your hands, noticing yourself in the mirror like you'd never done before and admiring all your facial features in all their glory, your friends shared with you a link to this playlist called The Oracle Consultant, appended with a suspiciously long string of smiley faces.

As you listened, you started to realise what had happened - it wasn't the first time they had pulled a stunt like this. Enraged with fury and swearing to get them back as you washed your
"sticky fingers" in a moment of immense love and disgust, 
you realised you weren't even sorry. It'll probaby never happen again but now you know
how amazing you could feel and what you could accomplish if you only looked at life in a better light everytime.

Stream The Oracle Consultant:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Music Promotion Department at