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Music Profile: We Are Us - Pop Group - New Mexico, Usa | SRL Networks London Music PR


YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Napster, Deezer music discovery on Skunk Radio Live Music Discovery XO. Discover Pop music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore New Mexico's independent/emerging music scene with We Are Us
Music by We Are Us | Discover independent pop

We Are Us
Pop Music Group
New Mexico, USA


Family doesn’t always get along but at least we have our common love for music to get us through. We Are Us is made up of Sam, Dani, and Nate. Sam and Dani are proper married and Nate is Sams brother, who is also married with 3 beautiful daughters. You’re probably saying to yourself, “He looks way too young to have kids” and you’re right, about the young part. Nate and Sam had a music duo and when Dani joined the fam she naturally joined the music. (8’s am I right?) 2019 was when their first single released called run around and its been, some would say, a Bop after Bop ever since. We Are Us is a passion project for the creative outlet needed and desired by the group. The music is created based on our life, emotions, and influences. With an underlying Pop sound the different tracks you will hear are influenced by the different musical tastes of the individuals. 
 As the world grows farther apart and there’s a lot of noise out there We all need to come together as crazy, creative individuals and put out positivity into the world around us. We Are Us isn’t just music It isn’t just the 3 of us It's a symbol to a generation to come together in differences and make something amazing.





SRL is the global leader in independent (indie) entertainment. Find all the latest We Are Us news, reviews, concert dates and more with our vast array of online resources featuring the world's best self-managed entertainers.

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