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Skunk Radio Live Profile: Jim Gaven - Pop Rock Artist - New Jersey, Usa | SRL Networks London Music PR


Discover Pop music, stream free and download songs & albums, watch music videos and explore New Jersey's independent/emerging music scene with Jim Gaven

Jim Gaven
Pop Rock Music Artist
New Jersey, USA


Armed with the goal of helping others, Jim Gaven's mission is to write songs that make you think of a good time in your life, make you feel good about yourself, and most of all, put a smile on your face. The upbeat singer/songwriter from New Jersey, USA wants to make a positive difference in the world and truly believes that music has the ability to do that.

"I want to inspire you to do great things as I have been inspired. The fact that you can create something out of nothing and have it last forever is amazing to me."

This is a true testament to the everlasting impact we can all have on each other, and Jim hopes to bring that kind of attitude to the forefront through song.





SRL is the global leader in independent (indie) entertainment. Find all the latest Jim Gaven news, reviews, concert dates and more with our vast array of online resources featuring the world's best self-managed entertainers.

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