To promote your music effectively, you need to make sure that the industry professionals you are contacting want to hear from you at the time you are contacting them. Not all PR companies, blogs and marketing websites accept submissions all the time so it's important to check their websites first before contacting them as contacting them when they are not accepting submissions may land you a permanents slot in their spam box.
List of music promotion resourses and websites, blogs, radio stations, magazines, music distributors, music publicity sites, music marketing companies and other online sites to submit your music to.
Music promoters - Music promotion strategies for the best music promotion>>
View more top music websites that accept submissions from bands>>
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List of music promotion resourses and websites, blogs, radio stations, magazines, music distributors, music publicity sites, music marketing companies and other online sites to submit your music to.
Music promoters - Music promotion strategies for the best music promotion>> | | | | | | |
View more top music websites that accept submissions from bands>>
Promote your music now>>