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Music reviews - song/album/mixtape reviews, free streaming & downloads | June, 2016

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20-06-2016 19:07 GMT

Listen to the sensational electronic rock EP that put South Korea's top band on the map free and download in a variety of high quality digital music formats on Bandcamp

Love X Stereo
Electro Rock

This EP will blow your mind and knock your socks off.

Put on your dancing shoes, take a chill pill, take a deep breath and prepare yourself for a sexy, cool, electrifying rock experience you'll never forget to remember. Let lead singer, Annie's seductive vocals and fierce delivery take you away on an empowering electronic music escapade that'll get you turned on, energized, refreshed and feeling like a rockstar ready to take on the world. Put these 4 tracks on repeat and witness the magical force that is Love X Stereo.

High Road is the first track, and the track you need to be listening out for every time you repeat this EP. With so many colorful sounds, super-fast drums, banging and smashing, and Annie screaming out fiercely on the mic, you'll be sure to have a round of intense multiple-eargasms before you even know it.

December 28, 2011 marked the day of the reincarnation and rise of South Korean band, Skrew Attack with a hot new demo EP titled Buzzin' and released under a new name, Love X Stereo.

Incorporating the Alternative Pop and Punk Rock sounds of their previous projects with an added vein of electronic music and 90's Rock, they produced a really unique and truly special experimental sound like nothing ever heard before. Up till today critics still struggle to analyse and classify the sound as it's constantly evolving with every new release.

It's different in every way you can imagine.

One of the best things about the band's music is that it defies convention every single time; you never know what to expect from every new album, every song even. And that's exactly what this band is all about - being fresh and different, while staying very true to themselves.

You'll most likely want to hear more after listening to this and you'll be happy to know that there's a lot more out in stores and even more in progress. Just visit the bands' website or The Skunk Radio Live Record Store at

Also out in stores now, SRL Networks Presents Love X Stereo - a compilation of some of the band's best works to date.

Love X Stereo is moving fast and coming to a venue near you soon. Subscribe at for tickets and updates or visit the band's website.

Follow Love X Stereo:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Electro Rock Music Promotion Department at

19-06-2016 07:04 GMT

Stream/download the latest full length dream pop album by The Bilinda Butchers on Bandcamp - Discover 13 amazing tracks that will take you on a music discovery adventure you'll never forget

The Bilinda Butchers
Dream Pop

A Big Score for the avid music discoverer.

Here's an album you would have never dreamed of discovering even in your wildest dreams. The title says it all, but even with a title like Heaven one would still be blown away by how utterly relaxing this album is You'll literally feel like your heart is on fire while your mind is exploding and imploding at the same time from the blissful melodies and harmonies mixed in together nicely to create the perfect concoction that can only be described as a potent, stress relieving, healing audio magic potion.

The theme of the album is that of a tragic love story that ends in Heaven so don't expect a happy ending. Instead, prepare to experience every emotion you've ever felt and emotions you may never be able to describe; love, happiness, anger, pain, jealousy, fear, lust and everything in-between. Even if you've never shed a tear your entire life, you Will feel something.

Don't attempt to do any driving or heavy lifting while listening to this album,

in fact, do absolutely nothing; just breath. Twelve tracks later, when you've achieved the inner piece and contentment no spiritual healer can ever promise you, you'll be ready for Heaven, the final track; a soft, spoken-word outro. This is where you grab yourself a box of tissues and let it all go. You would have been healed, and you'd be ready to become a better person.

 Download Heaven:

Download SRL Networks Presents The Bilinda Butchers:

Album notes:
The Bilinda Butchers' "HEAVEN" is a soundtrack set to the diary by Nakajima Ume, a young woman who lived in Japan from 1836 to 1864. The diary's entries catalog her catastrophic marriage to a cruel nobleman, and her later introduction to a young, idealistic poet whose expressions of sympathy inspire her to escape from her unfortunate circumstances. When her friendship with the poet is discovered, Ume is sent away to a distant village where she falls into a deep depression and eventually learns of the poet’s death. Though the news of the poet’s death initially disturbs Ume, she soon discovers within herself a new sense of clarity and motivation. Her diary ends with a final pronouncement: she will drown herself in order to reunite with her fallen lover.

Music discovery has it's rewards - Discover the sweet sounds of San Francisco dream pop trio, The Bilinda Butchers and listen to the new album free on Bandcamp

The Bilinda Butchers' Website:

Follow The Bilinda Butchers:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Dream Pop Music Promotion Department at

18-06-2016 19:04 GMT

Hear what The Beatles would have sounded like if the sensational band was born in the millenium era of rock music - Listen free and download mp3, wav or flacc

The Tenants
"The Tenants"
(Just) Rock

Meet British Rock's most amazing band since The Beatles.

There comes a time in every music fan's life when rediscovering a favorite genre is essential owing to various "reinventions", over-commercialization and evolutions of all sorts overshadowing or sometimes even obliterating the intrinsic values of the once cherised art form.

For rock fans, The Tenants represent everything real rock music is, was and always will be; the band to retreat to when it's time to rediscover the true essense of rock and why they fell in love with it in the first place.

The Tenants' music isn't for the faint-hearted. Infused with deep, insightful, bitterly honest lyrical content and rugged, hard-hitting instrumentation with infectious rhythms and catchy hooks that always have a message or revelation, you may need to crack open the hard liquor cabinet for this one. Put plainly, this isn't playful rock, The Tenants mean business.

 For old-school rock fans who have endured decades of sub-genres and variations of all sorts, the first track, Close At Hand will be sure to get you right back where you need to be on the rock music radar. It's uptempo and starts off simple but strong with minimal drums quickly joined by other percussion and an exciting, uplifting, almost familiar rhythm as the track becomes more energetic and fuller for at least 30 good seconds. The first verse then begins, with passionately delivered lyrics that'll immediately restore any previously lost confidence in the genre in an instance. Like an incantation summoning the lost souls of rock, lead singer, Rick screams out wildly

"Get up where you are, say exactly what you feel, go where you want to go..."

and just like that your days of wondering what happened to rock music would be long gone, along with any underlying troubles that got you wondering in the first place.

This isn't Soft Rock or Pop Rock, it's not Punk Rock, it's not a little bit of this and a little bit of that, it's not crossover anything, it's just straight up rock music that'll blow your mind, knock your socks off and have you pumped up, banging on your chest and ready to "stand up for your rights" and the rights of oridinary people around the world in no time. It hasn't been watered down so it can have something for everyone, this is rock music for rock fans but if you're not a rock fan this is the album you'll say made you one.

The album is complete with an overall organic, almost live sound that gives it a classic, old-school feel. Real rock music is back and coming to a rugged venue near you soon. Subscribe to Skunk Radio Live for tickets and dates at or visit The Tenant's website.

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Rock Music Promotion Department at

14-06-2016 07:47 GMT

Listen to Christina Custodes debut album, "I" free and download on iTunes - Discover adult contemporary music in a whole new light.

Christina Custode
Adult Contemporary

Once you manage to get past those dazzling eyes, warm, gentle, mildly inviting smile, and that child-like look of wonder with a hint of innocence (that may or may not raise the question in your mind about whether it still does exist in the world today), and actually open up the CD and start listening; you'll quickly discover that you've already entered into a whole new world. A world where your troubles seize to exist and your worries have no place, a world where truths unfold and lies are uncovered, where the piano rules with melodies and rhythms that captivate your soul while its queen serenades you with sweet songs that tell stories. You would have achieved a peaceful state of mind that intensifies with every note played and every word sung, and you would wander why you're only listening to this album five years after it's release date in 2011.

Welcome to the world of Christina Custode, Adult Comtemporary Singer Songwriter extraordinaire. This is her story, a story of love and heart-break, wrong and right, rain and sunshine, ups and downs, truths and lies, trials and tribulations, questions, and answers. 
 "I" is an easy-on-the-ear, Ballad-Heavy album that sets a good mood everytime. So turn the lights down low and pour yourself a glass of wine for an 8 track audio massage of a lifetime.

If you've fallen in love with the audio massuese after the 8th track, welcome to the club but you'll have to get in line, way way way, way back in the line. Follow Christina on Twitter @cmcsongbird

Also out in stores now, SRL Networks Presents Christina Custode, a compilation of some of Christina's most popular songs.

Download SRL Networks Presents Christina Custode:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Adult Contemporary Music Promotion Department at

13-06-2016 02:47 GMT

Free streaming/download links for Born Ready's mixtape, Death Of A Dollar, plus discover what makes it so special in this week's full mixtape review

Born Ready
"Death of a Dollar"

With 13 tracks packed with invigorating beats and true stories about the trails and tribulations of a Pittsburgh Gangsta, this is one of those albums that'll have you feeling like superman in no time. Originally released in 2013, D.O.D is still being appreciated by Underground Hip Hop fans around the world up till today. Being one of Born Ready's first official album releases, it's no surprise his fans have stuck with him all the way through his career and eagerly anticipate every single one of his upcoming projects.

No skip button required for this album, just pop the CD in and listen all the way through.
The first track D.O.D sets the mood for the whole album and will immediately suck you into the world of BR, what seems to be a dark world of money, stand up guys and everything in-between.
It's quickly followed by a much quicker club suited track, Awready, with a beat reminiscent of 36 Mafia back in the day. This track will get your blood pumping all over, the ultimate hype machine that is sure to get any party started. Great for the strip club as well (one would imagine). Perfect for laid back, head nodding, cigar smoking Gangstas.

Focused and Runnin' are two other great uptempo tracks, they would set the mood for a great workout and are well placed close to the middle and close to the end of the album where they keep the momentum up perfectly, preceeded and followed by slightly quicker and slower tracks in succession. There are also quite a few notable features on the album to look out for, mainly Underground Artists including Tefflon, G Munny, Freezy Blow, Tray Fatal, Herm Cocain, Young Salini, Cook Da Monster and A Rodge.
The album is a great album for any Hip Hop fan. It's invigorating, exciting, impactful, empowering, and uplifting, but most of all, it's original. Born Ready's strong vocals and smooth, laid back delivery complement innovative Hip Hop beats to create a sound like none other. This is not just another Rap album, this is the story of a man with a dollar and a plan - witness the Death of a Dollar, witness The Born Ready Experience. Look for more Born Ready albums on iTunes, CD Baby and other music retailers worldwide.

Also out in stores now, SRL Networks Presents Born Ready, a compilation of some of BR's hottest tracks to date.

Download SRL Networks Presents Born Ready:

Download Death of a Dollar:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Hip Hop Music Promotion Department at

10-06-2016 12:24 GMT

Rediscover the sound of rock with this amazing new band - Listen free and download their latest full album in mp3, wav or flacc

Alternative Rock

Anyone who knows anything about this Italian Alternative Rock band already knows what to expect from this album, and would have probably already scrolled down to the download link by now.
Released in the spring of 2015, 4 years after their last EP Mountain Whales which was released in October 2011, there's no question the band takes their time to create everything they release to perfection. 

Fans are never disappointed or disheartened by the long periods of waiting and nail-biting, in fact they always get much more than they could have ever wished for with every new Amycanbe release. Their albums never get old so waiting a few years for an EP isn't anything to complain about. This isn't mindless commercial Rock music, Amycanbe doesn't need to release a new album every few months to keep their fans entertained, this is music from the heart and food for the soul. Everything the band releases is nothing short of therapeutic, the sound is always consistent with enchanting instrumentation that will literally dispell any worries instantaneously like some sort of musicial medicine. The lyrics are never far from intellectually stimulating, carefully and ever so softly delivered by the angelic voice of lead singer, Francesca Amati tying everything together nicely and taking listeners on an enchanting musical escapade that can be enjoyed over and over and over, and over again. 

Listening to Wolf won't leave you wanting more, it will leave you satisfied. It's one of those albums that you'll be happy just to have in your playlist or close to you, like some sort of musical bible that will get you through anything on any given day.  

"With Amycanbe, everything is possible."

Look out for more Amycanbe in stores, it may not be really soon but it will be worth the wait. If you experience sleepless nights, nail-biting, hair pulling or any other signs of addiction while waiting for the next Amycanbe album just visit the band's website and get in touch with them. The band members are friendly and like to maintain direct, personal connections with their fans. They would love to hear from you, maybe they'll even sing you a song or two. The band is also constantly on the road gigging so check their calender for the next event near you or invite them to your town.

Also out in stores now, SRL Networks Presents Amycanbe; a rather large compilation of some of Amycanbe's best tracks to date, 34 amazing tracks you'll cherish forever.

Download SRL Networks Presents Amycanbe:

Download Wolf:

Listen free and download mp3, wav or flacc - Full album also available to stream free on Soundcloud - Wolf, the new album by alternative rock band, Amycanbe

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Alternative Rock Music Promotion Department at

09-06-2016 14:47 GMT
[Promotional Feature]

Music review promoting the latest single by MeandJonathan - Listen free and download on iTunes

"Faith (Never Alone)"

The new single from Texas based Christian Rapper, MeandJonathan proves to be as inspirational and motivational as the title itself. It's everything one would expect from a track titled Faith, and then some more. Jonathan talks about the importance of faith in his life and how it helped him through dark times. It also talks about free will and devine mercy, trust in God, and unconditional love.

The track starts off easy on the ear with a simple, soothing, slightly enchanting mid-tempo piano led instrumentation, quickly joined by a mellow chorus that is shortly after joined by subtle percussion before transitioning into the first verse. The verses are generally short but impactful with strong vocal delivery that builds subtly all the way through, giving the track a mildly energizing feel before suddenly slowing again to the chorus, creating an almost therapeutic feeling of release everytime.

Originally released in 2015, Jonathan has gone on to release several versions of the track, each one proving to be better than the previous but maintaining the same motivational, inspiration feel.

It's always refreshing to hear  Hip Hop tracks with positive lyrical content so this is definitely one that is sure to add that well needed breath of fresh air to every Hip Hop fan's playlist.

Look out for more MeandJonathan in stores soon.

Download Faith (Never Alone):

MeandJonathan's Website:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Hip Hop Music Promotion Department at

30-04-2016 00:47 GMT
[Promotional feature]

The New Hit Singles, reviewed with iTunes download links, YouTube video and free streaming online to help you rediscover the sensational rock band

The Silvers
Retro Rock

Released in 2015, this new "Beatles-Pop" EP is without doubt The Silver's best compact release to date with 3 sizzling hot singles that are sure to make it onto every Retro Rock fan's top playlists. As usual fans can expect very catchy, hook-oriented Pop Rock songs inspired by The Beatles, The Cars and The Monkeys.

The EP is packed with meaningful, hearfelt lyrics and soulful rhythms you can snap your fingers or nod your head to. The overall vibe is chilled and uplifting, and you'll never need to hit the Skip button. It's one of those EPs that never gets old and can be enjoyed over and over for decades.

The New Hit Singles is definitely one to cherish for Old School Rock fans and any music fan who miss that originality and lyrical integrity that seems to be missing in music today.

The Silvers History: 
Throughout the 70s, the band Silver Laughter made a name for themselves by writing catchy, hook laden Rock songs with more than a hint of Beatles influence and by touring extensively throughout the United States. In their prime, tracks from the band's two critically acclaimed albums and numerous singles could be heard on radio stations across the nation. Sadly, as the 70s drew to a close, the laughter stopped as the group disbanded.

In the years that followed, Silver Laughter has been remembered and celebrated for their wonderful music. 2014 saw a Silver Laughter reunion when the band was inducted into the Iowa Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Their albums and singles have become sought after collectibles and in 2015, the German re-issue label New Music/Green Tree to re-released the bands amazing catalog of music on both CD and Vinyl!

Getting up on stage again for the Silver Laughter reunion has re-ignited the fires of inspiration in bassist / vocalist / songwriter Mick Orton. Together with musicians Tom Kelley, Glenn Stone and Ricky Zero, Mick has begun a new chapter in his musical journey with his new band The Silvers! The Silvers carry on the tradition of upbeat pop/rock music with influences such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Monkees and The Cars. The band hit the studio with more material than enough material for an album (in fact, they already had almost enough songs to fill two albums right out of the gate!) Their first single / music video for the song Running Away was released early in 2015 and their debut full-length album, After The Laughter, is next!

Download The New Hit Singles (The Album):

The Silvers' Website:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Rock Music Promotion Department at

15-04-2016 00:00 GMT
[Promotional feature]

Rediscover rock music with this critically acclaimed record reminiscent of the '90s and earlier rock music eras - Download on iTunes - Listen free

Tracksuit Wedding
Vintage Rock

The first track of the album and rightfully so, "Infatuation" gives listeners a taste of what to expect from Tracksuit Wedding's second release while setting the tone for an exciting musical adventure to remember. Infatuation is a great track for anyone who is into high energy old school Rock 'N' Roll Music and so is the whole album which is loaded with beautiful Rock sounds reminiscent of the 90's and earlier Rock Music eras. 

The album slows track by track revealing 5 more beautifully crafted tracks packed with progressively more soulful, more passionate sounds while maintaining the strong vocals, virtuosic instrumentation, snappy percussion, meaningful lyrics and catchy hooks typical of Tracksuit Wedding.

Tracksuit Wedding is a refreshing album that will leave fans wanting more.

Download Infatuation:

Download Tracksuit Wedding (The Album):

Tracksuit Wedding's Website:

For Music Promotion, Press, Live Events Bookings, Music Marketing and PR-related enquiries please contact the Rock Music Promotion Department at

Thanks a lot for reading. 
Please check back again soon and be sure to leave a comment. 
Have a pleasant day.

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